December R&R Session Offers Extraordinary Resources

By Steve Oetting

Rants and Ramblings is a wonderful forum in which writers can acquire advice from other writers on all kinds of questions. Our recent session on December 7 was a perfect example of the types of questions that are posed by participants and the plethora of suggestions and answers that are offered by the rest of the group. Our R&R groups always include some beginning writers (such as myself) and some more experienced writers so that the exchange of information is both bountiful and valuable.

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Where We Grow

MWG Critique Circle, December 12th, 2023 | By Luke Dondo

The MWG Critique Circle presents its members the invaluable opportunity to socialize and workshop with writers in a secure and inclusive forum. The discussion of our craft and the improvement of our work, among meeting friends, among (possibly) getting a bit uncomfortable, is the goal, and probably you’ll even have fun. 

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Rants & Rambling has Topics for Everyone

By Steve Oetting

Has there ever been a writer who didn’t have a rant to ramble or a rambling to rant? Methinks not.

The monthly Rants and Ramblings meeting is the perfect opportunity to express your concerns and feelings about writers’ issues and to hear from others about theirs. It is an open forum in which each member can throw out any bone of contention they might wish to discuss and have other members gnaw away on it.

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A Celebratory Finale to the MWG Spring 2023 Series of Book Launches

By Sharon Hamilton

More than 30 participants made a special effort to attend the launch of Elizabeth Struthers’ historical novel, A Prayer for Thérèse. Several of those who attended had already purchased and read her book. So why did they spend this warm, sunny spring afternoon in the cozy Board Room of Artspace? The answer lies as much in the author as it does in the novel.

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D. G. Valdron’s Book Launch of the 2-book Elf Chronicles

By Sharon Hamilton

Saturday, April 15 dawned cold and sunny. Would the cold prevail or would the sun? As the audience of 25 gathered into the warmth of the Artspace Boardroom, the spring sun filtered through the window. Participants helped themselves to hot coffee. The presentation, meticulously planned and orchestrated by author Den Valdron, began. With the deft touch of an all-too-familiar scam telephone call, Den lured us into a cold, unfeeling, remorseless world that obliterated the strong beams of light streaming through the window.

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