Heather Leask Armstrong

she / her

A former community newspaper reporter, editor, and Agriculture Canada communications officer, Heather Leask Armstrong has been writing and providing communication services in southern Manitoba for over 30 years.

She has had the enviable job of being surrounded by books as the librarian at her former high school for the last 18 years.

She has had articles and columns published in The Carman-Dufferin Standard, The Carman Valley Leader, The Farmers Independent Weekly, The Western Producer, Cottage Magazine, and Canadian Homestead. Her poetry and short stories have appeared in The Collective Consciousness Journal. She hopes to one day complete a couple of novels when she finally figures out how they should end.

Specialties: Writing, editing, marketing, library services, tech use in relation to library and educational services. Project coordinator for school animation/computer programming/film club, ukulele strum club, radio club, writing club and yearbook.

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