
moving the flood

Roxanne Anderson – Moving the Flood

This memoir illustrates the harsh reality of living on River Lot 95 beside the ever-changing Red River. The land had not flooded during the Great Flood of 1826 or the 1997 Flood of the Century. Why then did River Lot 95 first flood in 2009? Using photographs, historical maps, media records, and archival research, Moving the Flood attempts to answer that question.

About the Author

Roxanne Anderson

Before I read a book, (I enjoy mysteries and memoirs) I always study the last chapter first. When I was a 17-year-old high school student, I wrote an article for the Winnipeg Tribune on school bus safety. Now that I am 62 years, I recently wrote a piece on retirement that was published in CBC’s First Person series. I co-authored a fictionized memoir with my late father, called Broken Harnesses. The story is told through the voice of Ross Reid, a young boy growing up during the Great Depression in the Canadian Prairies. When Ross runs away from home to escape the horror there, he dreams of owning a farm one day but instead finds himself a soldier of war. Moving the Flood is a memoir of my experiences with localized artificial flooding. I reside on an acreage, along the Red River, north of Selkirk, Manitoba.


Mar 25 2023


2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
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