
Governance Manual

Approved 2009

Revised 2014

Edited 2017

Land Acknowledgement

The Manitoba Writers’ Guild (MWG) acknowledges that we work, play and create on the ancestral lands of Anishinaabe, Nehethowuk, Oji-Cree, Anishininewuk, Dakota Oyate, and Denesuline peoples, and on the homeland of the Red River Métis. As a predominantly English-speaking organization, we acknowledge the hurts and harms caused by the language we operate in. We are committed to providing a safe environment where we can foster meaningful discussions on settler-colonialism, and together, learn about the efforts we can make on our end to forward truth and reconciliation through allyship and collaboration. Our Land Acknowledgement statement is not static; it is bound to adapt as we ourselves adapt and grow in our journey of understanding. We promise to be open to information shared us by our Indigenous relations.

Inclusion, Equity, and Diversity

The Manitoba Writers’ Guild (MWG) endeavours to create a space, and by extension a world, where writers can work, play, and create to further develop the expression of their art where their unique voices are respected and supported. We encourage writers from diverse backgrounds to join the MWG family, particularly our Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, Queer, Transgender, and Two-Spirited peers. We are further committed to providing an environment wherein the discourse on inequality can take place and where silenced voices can be honoured and amplified.


MWG is dedicated to extending a high level of customer service to all of its Members, associates, and visitors. In order to facilitate fulfilling experiences for our differently abled members and guests, we are working to identify, remove and prevent barriers in our various venues.

We take accessibility seriously and are in the process of adopting strategies that encompass the unique needs of our diverse community.

close up of fountain pen nib laying on open journal pages with a red ribbon book mark tucked in the crease - Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blur-close-up-composition-diary-273015/

Need Further Information?

If you have questions or concerns about any of our policies, need support to participate in programming, or have suggestions about how we can improve, please get in touch with us.

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