
DG Valdron

The Future Coming at You – Artificial Intelligence and Writing

In the last year, we’ve heard about ChatGPT and other AI programs, seen them added to search engines, and heard a lot of hype about how AI will change the world.  What exactly is AI?  How does it do what it does?  What is AI Hallucination? What is ‘ethical AI’?  Will it be the end of the world?  Or a brave new future?  What is data scraping?  Who owns AI products?  Can it sustain copyright?  Does it matter?  What does AI mean for writing and writers?  How might it change the economics of writing?  AI promises to be significantly affect our lives and ambitions as artists in a multitude of ways.  This 75 to 90 minute presentation explores these topics and attempts to give us the tools to examine and perhaps adapt to the upcoming transformations.

About the Presenter

D.G. Valdron is a lawyer, a writer, and a longtime supporter of the Manitoba Writers’ Guild.  His written works include the Twilight of Echelon collaboration with artist Robert Pasternak, coming out through At Bay Press; The Mermaid’s Tale from Five Rivers Publishing; and books such as Axis of Andes, Giant Monsters Sing Sad Songs, Dawn of Cthulhu, as well as nonfiction works including LEXX Unauthorized and A Pirate’s History of Doctor Who.  As a lawyer, Valdron has thirty years’ experience, primarily in the field of Aboriginal law, but has given numerous workshops and presentations for writers on subjects of contracts and copyright.


Mar 09 2024


2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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