Katherine Westwood

use my name

Aspiring author, avid reader, tarot enthusiast, bone collector, and professional internet wizard. Katherine Westwood is a Winnipeg developing writer of Ojibwe, Nigerian, and Icelandic ancestry. Katherine loves the horror genre, but reads everything from thrillers and mysteries, to danmei, recently translated literary fiction, and manga. 

Katherine has always been passionate about storytelling, and has spent the last two years studying writing craft while working on a novel that encompasses occult fantasy, dark academia, and body horror.

Katherine volunteers with the Manitoba Writers’ Guild on the Marketing, Communications & Membership Committee, and was selected as an apprentice for the 2023 Sheldon Oberman Mentorship Program. 


Cover Design

Beyond Boundaries - Volume 2 - 2024 Dave Williamson Short Story Competition compilation

Beyond Boundaries - Volume 2

beyond boundaries cover

Beyond Boundaries - Volume 1

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