Mitchell Toews

Mitchell Toews lives and writes lakeside. When an insufficient number of, “We are pleased to inform you…” emails are on hand, he finds alternative joy in the windy intermingling between the top of the water and the bottom of the sky or skates on the ice until he can no longer see the cabin.

Based in Manitoba, Mitchell is an experienced communicator with a background in copywriting, advertising and corporate communications. In 2015, he pulled into the fiction lane full-time and began writing short stories and long-form work.

Mitch’s writing has appeared in riverbabble, CommuterLit, Fiction on the Web, Best of Fiction on the Web (2018), Literally Stories, Red Fez, SickLit, Voices Journal, The Machinery, Storgy, LingoBites, Work Magazine, The MOON magazine, Occulum, Rhubarb Magazine, Digging Through the Fat, Fictive Dream, Pulp Literature (Autumn 2018), Blank Spaces, and Cabinet of Heed. Details at his website, 

Mitch is currently hard at work on a novel set in the noireal forest and is a member of the Wednesday night Guild Tjreitietja Sippschauft.

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