30 Remarkable Books

These books, listed in chronological order, all received more than five votes by visitors to the MWG 30th Anniversary Symposium.

If you have a suggestion for another remarkable book that is not on this list, please send us an email to with the book title. A new survey will be sent out to all members once we have enough suggestions to update this list.

Most titles are available from McNally Robinson Booksellers, in stock or by order.
Wild Geese, Martha Ostenso 1925
Sarah Binks, Paul Hiebert 1947
The Tin Flute, Gabrielle Roy 1947
Where Nests the Waterhen, Gabrielle Roy 1950
The Sacrifice, Adele Wiseman 1956
Under the Ribs of Death, John Marlyn 1957
A Candle to Light the Sun, Patricia Blondal 1960
The Stone Angel, Margaret Laurence 1964
Reservations are for Indians, Heather Robertson 1970
The Diviners, Margaret Laurence 1974
Ice Age, Dorothy Livesay 1975
Seed Catalogue/ Field Notes (1977 – 1989) Robert Kroetsch 1977
Urban Indians, the Strangers in Canada’s Cities, Larry Krotz 1980
April Raintree, Beatrice Mosionier 1984
The Salvation of Yasch Siemens, Armin Wiebe 1984
The Rez Sisters, Tomson Highway 1986
A Stone Watermelon, Lois Braun 1986
questions i asked my mother, Di Brandt 1987
Flicker & Hawk, Patrick Friesen 1987
Julianna and the Medicine Fish, Jake Macdonald 1987
Fox, Margaret Sweatman 1991
Transit of Venus, Maureen Hunter 1992
Stone Diaries, Carol Shields 1995
Rumours of Paradise/Rumours of War, George Amabile 1995
The Two Headed Calf, Sandra Birdsell 1997
Simone Weil: Songs of Hunger and Love, Sarah Klasen 1999
Irene, Dennis Cooley 2000
Swing Low: A Life, Miriam Toews 2000
city treaty, Marvin Francis 2002
Violin Maker’s Lament, John Weier 2002
A Complicated Kindness, Miriam Toews 2004
Cherry, Chandra Mayor 2004
Houseboat Chronicles, Jake MacDonald 2004
Lucky Man, Victor Enns 2005
Death in Cold Type, C.C. Benison 2005
Shelf Monkey, Corey Redekop 2007
Bit of a Legend in These Parts, Niel McQuarrie 2007
Wolf Tree, Alison Calder 2007
Stay Black & Die, Addena Sumter-Freitag 2007
Reading by Lightning, Joan Thomas 2008
The Retreat, David Bergen 2008
8x8x7, Colin Smith 2008
Back In The Days, Addena Sumter-Freitag 2009
An Unexpected Break in the Weather, Deborah Schnitzer 2009
The Players, Margaret Sweatman 2009
Seal Intestine Raincoat, Rosie Chard 2009
Fear Not, Maurice Mierau 2009
Vs. Kerry Ryan 2010
Black Bottle Man, Craig Russell 2010
Curiosity, Joan Thomas 2010
Baldur’s Song, David Arnason 2010
Mama Dada, Jan Horner 2010
Clockfire, Jonathan Ball 2010
Manitowapow: Aboriginal Writings from the Land of Water 2011
A Walker in the City, Meira Cook 2011
Girlwwod, Jennifer Still 2011
Poème Pierre Prière, J.R. Léveillé 2011
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