It’s that time of year again when we are looking for applicants to our Sheldon Oberman Mentorship Program. Those interested in applying please read the requirements here. The deadline for submissions by both Mentors and Apprentices is November 30, 2022. This year we can accept TWO Mentor/Apprentice pairs!
We have received much acclaim for the program, like this comment from an Apprentice: “During this program, I grew as a writer in several ways. The first way was that I had the opportunity to prioritize my creative writing. The second was that I increased my knowledge in areas related to writing, publishing, and marketing. I also had the opportunity to develop a plan for my current writing project…”
A Mentor commented: ” We began by discussing [the writer]’s high-level goals as a writer and how this project relates to those goals. I reviewed a plot outline for the first novel of the trilogy and we discussed some of the possible plot problems in that story and how they might be addressed. We also discussed the pros and cons of different publication strategies.”
This is an exciting opportunity for emerging writers looking to improve their writing skills and for established writers who want to share their knowledge with those who are eager to learn.