
Group of presenters at MWG open mic

March 2, 2025

Open Hearts at Open Mic

By Lynda Schmidt I was excited to attend the Manitoba Writer’s Guild first Open Mic afternoon with fellow Guild reporters Steve, Amanda, Luke, Stacy and Heather. After enduring what felt like an indomitable cold snap of extreme weather warnings, the balmy plus three seemed to add momentum to the spirit of enthusiasm I sensed when we arrived at Artspace. Andy Dutfield greeted us with a friendly smile and as we rode the rickety old elevator …

BIPOC meeting

February 3, 2025

BIPOC Critique Circle Meets

The BIPOC Critique Circle met in person on Jan. 23, 2025. People arrived between after 6 p.m., and the group relaxed and took the time to get to know each other. A potluck dinner commenced around 7 p.m., followed by the meeting starting at 8 p.m. The group listened and provided feedback to readings by Tula, Jenn, Mubo, Ralph, and Zilla. Tolu shared her poem, “Ascension for Desire,” with attendees finding it relatable and enjoying …

SOMP reception

February 3, 2025

Introducing this Year’s Sheldon Oberman Mentor Pairings

The Sheldon Oberman Mentorship Program held its annual celebratory reception on Friday, Jan. 25, to hear from last year’s mentor/apprentice pairings and introduce this year’s cohort. It was a positive literary affair, held this year in a house because Artspace was closed for building repairs. Last year’s mentors talked about the relationship they developed with their apprentices and complimented them on how they took to heart the lessons and suggestions they offered. The apprentices spoke …

Poetry in Motion

January 31, 2025

Poetry in Motion

by barb janes We make plans, God says “Ha!” January’s Poetry Critique Circle planned to gather at the Artspace building and via Zoom (a hybrid event) but the old sewage pipe leading to that building had other ideas, and the building is closed until repairs can be made. Much scrambling ensued, and the poets met instead for a lively dinner conversation at the Peasant Cookery, then Zoomed in other participants. The poets are a cohesive, …

person typing on laptop

January 25, 2025

Scenes from a Critique Circle

By Stacey Lupky Can an earnest writer, perhaps introverted and self-conscious, really put their feelings aside and share their work with complete strangers for critique and come out of the experience with ego unscathed? Short answer: Yes. The Manitoba Writer’s Guild Critique Circles provides feedback on any type of writing by a group of peers. By utilizing this feedback, the writer gives themself permission to be bolder: both personally and with their craft. Tuesday night’s …

blue coffee cup with foam art heart beside a notebook and pen - Photo by Pixabay:

January 23, 2025

WR&R Sessions Going Strong

By Steve Oetting Hungry for an information-fueled gab with other writers? Looking for some helpful suggestions as you scratch your head about what to write next? Writing, Rants, and Rambling sessions, such as the one I attended via Zoom on Jan. 9, could be your answer. The recent WR&R session was brimming with interesting topics and discussion. Our moderator, Susan Rocan, provided her expert guidance to lead us through the land acknowledgement reading, attendee introductions, …

AGM board

November 4, 2024

MWG Annual General Meeting

by Steve Oetting Are you up on your Mushkegoinnimowin? The Annual General Meeting for this year was held at the Bill and Helen Norrie Library Oct. 19. This lovely new library is one large rectangular room with solid windows on each side, offering a bright and sunny welcome to all of the MWG members that attended. The boardroom, spacious and equally luminous, was humming with the conversations of three to four dozen members as I …

Manitoba Writers' Guild

October 21, 2024

Winning Poems Tagore 2024

1st Place (Tie):Symphonie-de-survie – Nankafu Gisèle Écoute, ô cœur, l’histoire de celle née dans la tourmenteDurant la guerre où les cris et les larmes étaient notre chant.Je comprends la vie autrement, bien plus que ceuxQui se prélassent dans les châteaux, abrités par la paix. L’insécurité m’a poussée à fuir, à quitter mon paysAvec mes parents, mes sœurs et mes frères, main dans la main.De la patrie congolaise, je me suis retrouvéeAu Kenya, précisément à Nairobi, …

Flourishing in Retirement book launch

October 19, 2024

Flourishing in Retirement Book Launch

By Heather Emberley Begin with the end in mind. That’s what Jessica Smithies did in a masterful job of facilitating Shelly Dale’s book launch of Flourishing: A 5 Step Guide to Joy for the Post-Career Woman. That end being a career and all the possibilities awaiting women who retire or plan to retire. A packed house at 2 p.m. at Artspace on Oct. 6 was greeted by a colour co-ordinated author who complemented the décor …

Emperors Orphans cover

October 15, 2024

Book Chat: Sally Ito

By barb janes Japan, Japan / If I say it enough \ Will it come true? Only a secure writer opens her reading with words from another writer as Sally Ito did with the above poem by David Fujino. In 11 short words, Fujino’s poem evokes the deep longing for culture and identity that spurred Sally Ito to write The Emperor’s Orphans, a cultural memoir about her family. Facilitated by MWG’s Susan Rocan, this Zoom …

Trevor Martens

October 14, 2024

Write in Front of Me

By Lynda Faye Schmidt In my role as reporter for The Guild, I had the privilege of attending Trevor Martens’ workshop, The Story Within: A Journey to Personal Storytelling. To prepare for the event, I’d checked out Trevor’s website, I help you write things. His slogan, “Transforming self-doubt into confidence through a supportive and transformative learning experience,” felt like an invitation. The vibe of his offering landed on my authenticity radar as the real deal. …

Firewalk cover

October 9, 2024

Book Chat with Katherine Bitney

by Steve Oetting On Sept. 11, Katherine Bitney, one of the founders of the Manitoba Writers’ Guild and Prairie Fire Magazine, provided us with an engaging book chat. She noted that it was many years ago when they started the Guild and an extremely exciting time, a virtual “explosion of literature in our province.” She felt they had virtually no idea what they were doing and mostly “flew by the seat of their pants.” I …

highlighters, post it pads, paper, pens, and note flags in pastel colours organized neatly on a white surface - Photo by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA:

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