After working as a journalist and marketing communications manager for four decades in Southern California, I recently moved back to my hometown of Winnipeg to live and write. I have a variety of projects underway, including two novels, a short story collection, and a journalistic memoir about my experience leaving and returning to Canada. I write the occasional poem, but am drawn most deeply to writing short stories, and more recently, flash. My fiction has found a home in Pacific Review, Heliotrope, Hypertext, Sidewalks, Raven Review, Pomona Valley Review, Inlandia, and other journals. My nonfiction has appeared in Herizons, Lifeboat: A Journal of Memoir, Pilgrimage, the Los Angeles Times, and a variety of other publications. I hold an M.A. in creative writing program from California State University Northridge. For more, visit
Margo McCall
she / her