Application Deadline:
November 30, 2023 for the January – June 2024 Program
The Sheldon Oberman Mentorship Program pairs emerging writers with established, professional writers to work together one-on-one for a five month period. During the program, the emerging writer is encouraged to utilize the expertise of the professional writer in the areas of manuscript evaluation, markets and publishing, and grants and employment opportunities.
The Program is designed for emerging writers who have made a commitment to their writing and is not to take the place of a creative writing course. Emerging writers are expected to have been writing for some time and have a body of work. For many emerging writers who have participated in the program, the experience of working with a professional writer often marks the transition from beginning writer to published author.
2025 Program
This year, in addition to two adult Mentor/Apprentice pairs, we are pleased to announce a third Mentor/Apprenticeship for young people between the ages of fifteen and nineteen years old. All young writers who desire the one-on-one mentorship of a creative writing mentor, fill in the application. We want to help strengthen your voice and develop stories that only you can tell! Prose, poetry, graphic novels all welcome.
Writers are asked to specify the literary genre(s) in which they are currently working and to send support material in that genre. Eligible genres are: poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and writing for children and young adults. (*Note: Should we find sponsors or receive a grant to subsidize the program, we will increase the number of applicants we can accept.)
Apprentices and Mentors are asked to commit to one-on-one meetings between January and May. At each meeting, mentors will comment on a piece of the apprentice’s work, focusing on issues such as writing process, literary techniques, self-editing and manuscript development. Attention will also be devoted to markets, publishing and grants. Applications are invited from prospective Mentors and Apprentices from anywhere in Manitoba. When rural writers are chosen, the mentorship will be conducted on-line.
At the end of the program, apprentices will have the opportunity to read their work at a public event hosted by the Manitoba Writers’ Guild.