The Launch of Anna Stein’s The Black of the Room
“This is not a love story.” Anna Stein
Over thirty people crowded into the Artspace Boardroom on the sun-bathed afternoon of March 19 to listen to Anna Stein read from her new book – her first book – The Black of the Room. Comfortable in the bright light of spring beaming through the window and seated in well-upholstered chairs, we were taken into a completely different world of sensory deprivation bordering on human depravity and torture. The room hushed itself into complete silence as Stein turned from page to page during her 18-minute reading. The post reading questions flew to the front of the room for answers that couldn’t fully satisfy the questioners’ desire to know without reading the entire novel.
While seekers for more of the story queued to purchase the book and have it signed, others enjoyed a lavish table of home-baked sweets and conversation with others. Another afternoon of writers and readers in the company of other writers and readers. Another successful book launch by the Manitoba Writers’ Guild.
Our next launch is on Saturday, March 25, when Roxane Anderson’s presentation of Moving the Flood will illustrate the harsh reality of living on River Lot 95 beside the never-changing Red River. These launches are free and open to the public as well as to our members, so feel free to bring a friend.