
Member News

Set of Agency

August 5, 2024

Perspectives of Complexity

By Lynda Faye Schmidt I arrived at the Asper Theatre on the University of Winnipeg campus with time to spare and no expectations. The quaint venue was buzzing with anticipation for barb janes’ play, Agency, and I was full of curiosity. My colleagues and I were waiting for the theatre doors to open, engaged in conversation, when who should appear but barb janes herself! I was fortunate to be introduced to the burgeoning new playwright, …

Alison York

June 5, 2024

Alison M. York – A Serendipitous Book Launch

By Stacey Lupky Warm, inviting energy greeted the standing-room-only crowd gathered for the book launch of Alison York’s novel, Tartan Threads: Serendipity In Scotland. Throughout the event, hosted by the Manitoba Writer’s Guild, of which Alison is a member, Scotland played a welcoming role in bringing the crowd together. Scottish-themed dainties such as shortbread, scones and jam were on offer, while Scottish music gently lilted in the background. At the front of the room at …

Death at the Point cover

April 7, 2024

An Enchanting Book Launch

By Steve Oetting

The energy in the room was palpable. In spite of the bitter March wind that whistled through the streets of the Exchange District, the room reserved at ArtSpace on March 17 was well-populated by members of the Manitoba Writers’ Guild with a shared fondness for the book’s author. It was the book launch of Andy Dutfield’s Death at the Point.

book cover - the day I ceased to being by Kamal Malaker and Readers Favourite 5 stars award

December 31, 2023

Author’s New Book Receives a Warm Literary Welcome

Readers’ Favorite announces the review of the Non-Fiction – Memoir book “The Day I Ceased to Being” by Kamal Malaker, currently available at Amazon

john oross

December 17, 2023

Living Life in a Train Wreck No Longer

by Sharon Hamilton

Launch of Wandering Thoughts by John Oross

Ron Hore and Den Valdron at Ron Hore's book launch

December 10, 2023

Get That Blasted Cat Off My Typewriter!

By Sharon Hamilton

Launch of R. J. Hore’s The Toltec Trilogy November 19 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. You can specify if the membership is for someone else when filling out the application form.

Directed donations provide sponsorships to individuals unable to purchase their own membership at this time.

Fill out this online form, or email .

The Guild has a fixed membership year that runs from July 1 to June 30. Unless otherwise noted, all annual memberships are valid from July 1st of the current year to June 30th of the next year.   Our current membership rates are as follows:                

  • Regular (age 19+) & Affiliate (outside of Manitoba) – $65.00 CAD                
  • Youth (age 18 and under) – $10.00 CAD                
  • Student / Fixed Income – $30.00 CAD  

After choosing your membership rate, complete the online application form and make your payment.   All three membership types provide the same benefits to its holder, except youth members cannot vote at the Manitoba Writers’ Guild Annual General Meeting, board, or committee meetings.

  • Reduced rates on workshops and masterclasses
  • Eligibility for exclusive access member-only programs
  • Writer profile promoted on our website (optional)
  • Share writing-related accomplishments in our newsletter (optional)
  • Free Reader Reward Card from McNally Robinson Booksellers ($25 value)
  • Discounts on subscriptions to

See the full list of benefits.

There are no pre-requisites! We welcome writers of all writing styles, levels, and experience.

The Guild has a fixed membership year that runs from July 1 to June 30. 

Unless otherwise noted, all annual memberships are valid from July 1st of the current year to June 30th of the following year.

typewriter next to teacup on saucer with bright window in the background Photo by Suzy Hazelwood:

Create a Profile

MWG member? Feel free to submit a profile for the directory.


Discounts, exclusive access to programs, free McNally Robinson Reader Reward Card, subscription discounts,
and more!


See details about our rates for Regular, Youth, Student, Fixed Income, and Affiliate members.


The Guild welcomes writers of all writing styles, levels, and experience. Join to get involved with your writing community!

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